Our Story

 We are Supernatural Beuti! Co-founders Sade Clarke, Ashley Pierre, and Ashaunti Williams. Three friends of 5 years plus, since teenage years, we desired to be entrepreneurs and had a passion to help people.

 We all had separate business ventures/side hustles outside of working a full-time job coming out of high school, however, due to the pandemic it was vital that we made an urgent pivot that will be profitable and sustainable! Through dramatic losses, growth experiences, and moments of reflection during the beginning of the pandemic, we decided that it was time to operate on our gift and purpose. Having a “why” and a big dream while battling different skin problems we knew immediately the skincare industry was met for us! We understand that most of our peers struggle with insecurities, confidence, and self-love, hence, being victims we were inspired to create a brand that empowers from the inside out November 2021.

 Whether it’s through our high-quality skin care products, resources, or content; we want all of our customers and future customers to get a sensation of worthiness while normalizing self-care by investing in Luxurious, Vegan, skincare products. What makes us unique are our customer service, packaging, the luxury of our containers at an affordable price, and passion for self-care.Our goal is to supply vegan skin care products and essentials to the public, hoping to develop not only a routine but awareness of your skin type, correction to skin issues, and enhance your beauty within. We aim to provide natural products gear to fit every skin type, skincare kits for routines, and apparel so that you not only think beauty, look beautiful but feel beautiful.